Tuesday, February 24, 2015


one time I failed was when I was in school . I didn't get good grades and I failed all my classes . I came to crotona and got a 86 avarage but now I'm failing again and it is hard for me because since i been here  I gotten good grades but it is really hard for me to snap back because its hard for me because I'm not like every other students

       Grit is a form of not giving up staying focus and follow through on your dreams and plans for your future. Its not about today its about your forever .It matters about how far you want to go . its the marathon you run not the track you run.I believe I have some grit but not as much grit as other kids .Im guessing I have some of a learning disability and I can't caught up lie some other kids came . Its a struggle but I manage to try and get through it. Some times it harder when it comes top reading and writing because somethings just don't stick to me .In order to develop grit its a matter of believe in yourself and non stop had work .

    I am interesting in developing grit because grit will help me graduate, grit will help further my future and help me get through life . sometimes you have to stay positive in order to achieve your goals.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

a little about me

Hi,my name is tara i'm a junior at crotona academy and i'm taking ms.Beakers english class. some things I is media, mainly social media .I live right here in the bronx. Not to far from the school. Things I would love to learn in this course is to become more handy with my blog and my school work .

I can! I can ! ( if I put my mind to it )
 I choose this question because I agree with it .I agree with this question because some times I feel like I cant do some thing and I still feel like it but the only way I would fail is if I don't try at all. I can I can graduate if I really put my mind to it . I can I can pass my regents if I really put my mind to it