Wednesday, June 10, 2015


quick write:im doing my project on me acting if i was as big brother. Im going to be the telescreens and i am going to be documenting whats going on and how peoples reaction will be.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015


quick write: I believe that winston is going to get the bad end of the stick.I feel that nothing is going to end in his favor.I think winston is going to die.I believe that winston is going to die because of the situation that he is in now hes locked and everybody that was against the party is locked up.

question : why does winston keep holding on ? why doesn't he want to die ? would he rather live in fear or die peacefully?

Thursday, May 28, 2015


quick write : yes people often say things to try and change things or make me think or act a different way , the way they want me to act. it is more common in older people because they feel since im young in age I am not wise.

I have been searching for your touch
Unlike any touch I've ever known
And I never thought about you much
Til I'm broken down and all alone, ohhh

Though I don't understand the meaning of love
I do not mind if I die trying, ohhh
Took it for granted when you lifted me up

I'm asking for your help
I am going through hell
Afraid nothing can save me but the sound of your voice
You cut out all the noise
And now that I can see mistakes so clearly now
I'd kill if I could take you back

But how?
But how?

I can feel it in my guts
What's going on with him now
And don't patronise me with lies
I'm a man, be a woman now, ohhh

Tuesday, May 26, 2015


quick write: I don't I have the power to change society because I am out number by them even if I get a team to to help me to over come society they are stronger then us. I also believe that society can't be powered because they have more power

final reflection : i don't no agree with what winston is saying because even though things would change that don't mean everything will change

Wednesday, May 20, 2015


quick write : I believe that winstons and julia's relationship is going to be secerative yet fun because they are going around where they know they cannot be seen by big brother. Even though they were  not supposed to be in love with each other  they can't seem to leave each other alone.


quick write : I don't understand this quote the quote is very confusing how they tried to describe the way the people are


quick write:the definition  of double think is to think twice or at the same time. the definition of ministry of truth is the ministry of lie. the definition of bug brother is someone who is watching.

Monday, May 11, 2015

quick write 2/24/14

I failed when I tried to be the best I can be (student,mothers,daughter and sister ) I failed . I was not proud of it but i did not let it bring me down or stop me from being a better person


quick write:i feel my opponent will argue about the opposite and disagree with my claim .they will argue about how relationship are not 50/50 .they would try to prove their counterclaim and prove why they feel that way


quick write:I think my biggest challenge would be trying to find more information for my body paragraphs . I just dont want to keep saying the same thing over and over again .supporting my claim is also a challenge because everybody might agree


 quick write : in order to succeed you have to fail. I feel this is a strong opinion because I have failed and even though I am not doing my best right now but i am working on my way and starting to get all that I need done.

Friday, May 8, 2015


quick write: i do not know how to re-put this quote

final reflection : who came up with this stuff ? why are they feeling that it is right for people to have kids by people they dont love what if they dont want to have kids by these people how come they can not have feeling towards that person

Thursday, May 7, 2015


quick write: you would never know what is true .even if it comes from the person it self you dont know what is would never know if something is true until you have a feeling if it is true.

final reflection:my opinion changed after this lesson because I always believed history was true but after the lesson it made me second think about a lot of stuff. people can say things and it does not have to be true .that makes me think about all the stuff i have learned learned in school is it all true .do we really have rights

Monday, April 13, 2015


quick write: My claim is relationships are 50/50 not 49/51 . I believe this claim because its only fair when relationships are half and half because both people have a equal say so in the relationship so if one want to do something then they both have to agree on it if not they not going to do anything at all

heres my draft intro it is going to change when i am done

I believe that all relationships are 50/50 not 49/51. some people think that they own a relationship whether is the man or the woman.i feel there should not be only one person dominant in a relationship i feel that if one person say one thing and another person say another thing if they don't agree then they shouldn't do it at all . In relationship they should both be on the same page .I don't know why men think they can control women and I dont think why women can control men

Tuesday, March 31, 2015


quick write-i feel his jump shot and uniqueness of dunking the ball. he practicing  thats how he got his jump shot .he is not like most players because now everybody is trying to be like him. everybody wants his jump shot everybody wants his free throw and 3 pointer score.

I am a genius at making eggs.everybody loves my eggs. I became a genius at making eggs from watching my grandmother cook and her letting me doing it on my own. my mother always would ask me to make eggs for her when I was little because my sister ( unlike me ) would use oil instead of butter like I did. my older sister would also use a whole bunch of pepper in her eggs which my mother didnt like

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


there are a few things that make my life worth living is school and showing my son i can make it. other things that make my life worth living is my mom my sisters and my nephew . but the most important reason that make my life worth living is my son i want to see him grow up get older and graduate and go to college have a life with his wife and kids have grand kids and all that good stuff

3)he has support family that loves him and makes him happy
   he is happy even though he has a condition
   he does not want to die
2)how come he is so happy
   is there a cure to this
1)I feel sorry for the family that has to watch they love one suffer


To stay more focus and to get better grades because I know I am capable of achieving  my goals and moving forward in life.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015


I believe I have a growth mind set because I haven't gave up yet if I had a fixed mindset I would of been gave up.I'm not going for failure

The student I feel like I connect to is the second one and the 3rd one they both are different one has a growth mind set and the 3rd one has a fixed mind set.I am sorta a mixed of both a growth mindset and fixed mind set .I learned that from both of the students I choose because the second one said that he pushes his self and he know he can because something because he likes math just like me .the third student explained how she was failing all of her classes but she knew she can do it. i really want to work forward to being a growth mind set because that's how you really succeed on your goal

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


one time I failed was when I was in school . I didn't get good grades and I failed all my classes . I came to crotona and got a 86 avarage but now I'm failing again and it is hard for me because since i been here  I gotten good grades but it is really hard for me to snap back because its hard for me because I'm not like every other students

       Grit is a form of not giving up staying focus and follow through on your dreams and plans for your future. Its not about today its about your forever .It matters about how far you want to go . its the marathon you run not the track you run.I believe I have some grit but not as much grit as other kids .Im guessing I have some of a learning disability and I can't caught up lie some other kids came . Its a struggle but I manage to try and get through it. Some times it harder when it comes top reading and writing because somethings just don't stick to me .In order to develop grit its a matter of believe in yourself and non stop had work .

    I am interesting in developing grit because grit will help me graduate, grit will help further my future and help me get through life . sometimes you have to stay positive in order to achieve your goals.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

a little about me

Hi,my name is tara i'm a junior at crotona academy and i'm taking ms.Beakers english class. some things I is media, mainly social media .I live right here in the bronx. Not to far from the school. Things I would love to learn in this course is to become more handy with my blog and my school work .

I can! I can ! ( if I put my mind to it )
 I choose this question because I agree with it .I agree with this question because some times I feel like I cant do some thing and I still feel like it but the only way I would fail is if I don't try at all. I can I can graduate if I really put my mind to it . I can I can pass my regents if I really put my mind to it